This Gucci Leather Fabric Brown is not elastic. It is thick and rigid. Reverse side of item is felt which make it perfect for sewing. Material is vinyl but someone also name it as faux leather.
You can produce too much things with that item. From bags to sneakers and shoes and not only pretty wallets but bracelets, earrings, belts or chest coverings. Also luxury dog collars, cat collars, bows, and horse riding materials. As a result millions of other craftings because limit is your imagination.
Definitely good for upholstery but because it is not stretching, better not to use for upholstery of round items like chairs or couches. You need to know that as a result you will have a wrinkled upholstery for round sides of covered item. You can also use to enrich the clothings like caps/hats or jackets. That leather material has a protective transparent layer and this makes the print very strong and enduring thats why you can use our LV leather fabric for outdoor products. Because it is strong against weather conditions.
- Thickness of item is almost 2.5 – 3 oz (1 – 1.2 mm)
- Width of item is 55 inches.
- 3% PU (polyurethane), 18% polyester back side textile(felt or fabric) 79% PVC (Polyvinyl chloride)
- 600-650 gr/meter square (11 sqft= 1,40 lbs)
- If you order more than a yard, I am going to send a continious uncutten whole piece. For example if you order 2 yards, The fabric you deliver will be that size: 55 inches x 80 inches.
***If you have further questions, you can check FAQ section or click here before contacting us!
I generally ship your item in 3 business days after it is placed. I ship just express Shipping carriers are USPS, UPS, Fedex, DHL, DPD and TNT. I decide which carrier will bring to you. I give a tracking number in 3 days after I ship. But you need to know that, after item entered to your country, you are very responsible to follow it. So it is very important to give your contact info correct. (Please click here to understand why it is important) I ship worldwide. Delivery durations, shipping costs and “free shipping option rules” change upto destination (SEE BELOW) And shipping costs are standart for every amount. For example you are in United states and placing an order, you need to pay 25 USD even for an half yard or thousand yards.
USA : 2-4 business days
CANADA: 2-5 business days
Australia, New Zealand : 3-5 business days
EU Member Countries: 1-3 business days
FOR ALL OTHER COUNTRIES: 4-9 business days.
To USA and CANADA : It is 25 USD as standart for every amount. You win FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING bonus if your total spend exceeds $ 200
To EUROPE (EU COUNTRIES): It is 25 USD as standart for every amount. You win FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING bonus if your total spend exceeds $ 200
To AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: It is 49 USD as standart. You win FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING bonus if your total spend exceeds 275 USD
To The ALL REMAINING COUNTRIES: It is 60 USD as standart. You win FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING bonusbonus if your total spend exceeds 350 USD
***FREE SHIPPING option APPEARS if the total cost in your shopping cart passed that required spending amount above. Just select that “FREE SHIPPING” OPTION instead of EXPRESS SHIPPING option. Please see photo below.

!!!!ATTENTION!!!: Countries such as Russia do not accept international shopping for individuals. So if you do not make your order as a company Russian Custom will not allow item to deliver you. You need to be aware about custom regime of your country because our responsibility ends as soon as the product leaves the country we send it from. We are responsible to send items to you. The custom taxes or such problems are not our responsibility.
ATTENTION: Customers are responsible for any custom and import taxes that may apply. Already this is an international rule! The responsibility of seller is finishing after sending item if they prove that they shipped the item. Because it is yours after we sent it. So those costs can not belong to us!
Sometimes deliveries may be delayed due to customs inspection, operational problems and some unexpected reasons. Arrival day is estimated. Therefore this is not a refund & return & exchange reason for us!
I accept paypal and credit card. You do not need to have a paypal account to buy through paypal. If you do not have a paypal account, you can use paypal secured credit card option. There is a black button under “Paypal” and “Paypal Pay Later” buttons (see picture below) If you click this, you can use that option. We never see your card info. You are sending your card info to paypal not to us! Already when you click button to confirm your card info for checkout, it directs you to paypals page!

Can I offer alternative Payment Method?
Yes you can. I thrust paypal which is protecting customer worldwide but why not if we deal? Also we can put products if you insist to buy our poducts from marketplaces like ebay, etsy or other places. Satisfaction is the first rule of sales!
ATTENTION: If you haven’t received your order after the estimated arrival date, please feel free to contact us to help you.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Aspen Kenyon (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
THIS IS SUCH High-quality fabric. It doesn’t easily rip and it looks just like the picture stated it would. It looks amazing if you’d like to create new things. The fabric is thick and you can clearly see the lettering. I’ve never had any problems ordering from this company and they answer emails pretty quickly to sum it all up. Great material. Great quality great communication great everything will be shopping here again. As soon as I run out of all the yards I just purchased would highly recommend this company.
Ahmad C. (verified owner) –
Angela D. (verified owner) –
So in love with this fabric. Great quality!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Sarah P. (verified owner) –
Very nice material. Not cheap like some other’s I have come across from different places. This is thin enough to cut on the cricut! Very easy to work with! Does not fray or tear. I make bows for Stanley cups & Hair bows and this product is amazing and looks so expensive!! The website is super easy to use. The prices are there by the 1/2 yard or yard. Product comes folded. I just rolled it up and wrinkles and lines came out without any problems. Shipping took about 2 weeks. Jean was super available if I had questions I emailed and got quick responses back. Also kept me updated on the tracking! Product does not have any weird smell at all which is nice!! Package arrives nicely secured. I will be purchasing more of this. Colors are as you see. And descriptions are exact to what you will receive!! Very nice material. I made a rather large purchase for my first. And I don’t regret it one bit!! Just order.